
About @framework

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So far @framework has created 22 blog entries.

Parents/Carers Information

  • We all have a great opportunity and a responsibility to ensure our children get enough exercise in their modern lives.
  • We should aim that children exercise for at least an hour every day* (see Make it more energetic below) and this hour can be achieved in bite size chunks.
  • We hope the family friendly Make it happen activities will give parents and carers plenty of ideas for supervising a range of physical activities for your children that each last at least 10 minutes and can be added to other activity to go towards achieving an hour a day.
  • We hope you find the family friendly move to improve activities useful as a basic guide to point out the type of general things a parent/carer can consider when supervising activity for your own children within a family setting.
  • You will find many new activities and variations of well-known ones […]
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