Move to Improve
Move to Improve is a collaboration between Buckinghamshire County Council and Leap. The Move to Improve resources were developed in response to national guidance and local consultation with teachers. They called for additional resources to support nursery staff and teachers to imbed the teaching of fundamental movement skills within the 3 – 7 year age group.
These early years and key stage 1 training and resources have been written by a specialist in early years and primary physical development. All sessions and lessons are constructed to align with the aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Development Matters) and National Curriculum for PE.
The resources and training give teachers the necessary skills to deliver age and stage appropriate opportunities. This allows schools to maximise the physical literacy of all pupils through PE and school sport, helping to achieve outstanding PE lessons.
We have tested the training and resources with 55 nurseries, pre-schools and primary school settings across the county over the past two years. The development was funded via Bucks County Councils Public Health Team.
All the evidence suggests that if the basic movement skills are mastered, the chance of children finding success and enjoyment from physical movement and sport is vastly increased. This significantly increases the chance of them moving into adulthood as an active, healthy and confident members of society.
The games included on this website are adaptations of the full resource and enable parents and carers to reinforce the lessons being delivered in nurseries and primary schools.
If you have any feedback on the Move to Improve website or games please get in touch or call 01296 585215